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Enzo Kucchi


Enzo Cucchi is an Italian painter and a central figure in the Transavanguardia movement of the 1980s Italian Neo-Expressionists

Enzo Kucchi is one of my favourite artists. His work is somewhere between painting and installation, but it is not free from painting. And I do not think his work is the New 3D Work mentioned by Donald Jadd. Because his work is still based on narrative, poetry and the materiality of painting.

His works are not only shocking but also exciting to think about the relationship between painting and space. They always contain the breath of primitive meaning and naive childlike interest.









In his work, I can feel that painting becomes an object, a toy that you can touch and play with. 









Books and other resources

Hans Neuendorf , 1990. [Online]
Available at:

屏幕快照 2022-06-04 22.40.47.png
屏幕快照 2022-06-04 22.44.00.png

Lampo , 2004Medium:
pencil, animal pelt on paper, gesso


Untitled, 2020
Oil on wood with ceramic graft

Untitled, 2017-2018
Oil on canvas


Bimbetto acceleratore, 2016
oil on aluminium

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