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Key questions

  • Can a home be used as a public space?

  • How to treat the gallery itself as a site rather than as a white cube?

  • Home inside a gallery space.

  • The empty room

'About the room. Home as a site. The influence of home, space on my creation, and the reshaping of my identity. After moving out of room33, my creations were restricted, and I re-rented with other people. I want to see the home as a self-limiting condition and see what I can do with that limitation. It's not about creating, it's more about life' -----2022.8.25

In Doctor Lana Locke's lecture, she mentioned the idea of Home as a public site and trying to unpick the different sides of the home during the lockdown. She makes a video with words: 'I wonder the four corners of my own stagnant puddle. In the collective stream and survey my useless belongings my objects once animated. 'At home, we look at the things around us over and over again, and the boundaries between us and things are blurring.

She filmed the experience of a butterfly at home breaking out of its cocoon and becoming a butterfly. But the butterfly was ultimately unsuccessful, rendering it unable to fly. She mentioned the butterfly effect and chaos theory that the butterfly flapping its wings in one country can cause devastation in another. But what if the butterfly cant flap its wings at all?

During the lockdown time, staying at home make us become easily emotionally connected with other creatures around us. Most time in a passive way. Although this is a more psychological way of looking

The relationship between site and on-site. 'It isn't a question of formal or anti-formal, but limits, how those limits destroy themselves and disappear.' by Robert Smithson.

​In Mike Kelly's work, Mike Kelly's mobile Homestead where made a replica of his childhood suburban home and had it transported to institutional space.

Recently I have visited a quite unique exhibition. The exhibitions are installed in various locations in the Pimlico neighbourhood. The Artist, Marcus Coates Worked With People Recovering From Mental Illness to Create Films Capturing Their Experiences of Psychosis.

The films show Coates exhibiting five different types of psychosis, from intense anxiety to isolation, delusion, depression and exhaustion. Each was directed by a different person recovering from mental illness and shares their personal story.

I still remember the discomfort of breaking into a private home. But this discomfort was quickly eliminated. All the objects in the room made me speculate about the owner's preferences and tastes, and apply those conjectures to the film. I entered the interior and the scene of a work of art. The excitement is like breaking into an artist’s studio, and the artist’s life is often more fascinating to me than the work itself.

During my year in the UK, I discovered a few different gallery spaces. For example, SafeHouse, Crypt gallery and The Sunday painter gallery. These galleries preserve the properties of the building and maximize the use of the building's internal structure. Among other things, these spaces stimulate the viewer’s desire to explore.

 It will be fascinating for me to visit the House of Vanessa Bell, Ducan Gant, and their contemporaries to see how the house served as both a studio and a gallery in the 19th century.


Since the 19th century, the placement of artwork in the home has changed a lot. As a decoration to home, paintings were often displayed with fancy frames. However, contemporary artists prefer to hang their works on an empty white wall. It has a lot to do with the changing gallery spaces and how viewers, curators, and critics view the images. Moreover, the changes in exhibiting measures have an impact on how artists work.

Books and resources


Lockdown lecture home as a site
Available at:


Available at:


The Crypt Gallery

The Sunday Painter

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