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Room 33
Paintings and installation
Wilson Road

This is a flowing, hidden, damp corner. A huge transparent heating slowly rises in the sea near the isolated island, and a person sheds his skin on the beach, leaving a trail of imprints. Water gushed out of the sink, carrying the rancid smell of a 1998 sewer pipe. There is a woman and a man doing plank support, looking at each other, incontinent, between the tiles.

Water, pigment, sink, metal and automatic lifting device


On rainy days, unpleasant odors can escape from the pipes. This is an uncontrollable factor in life. This object is not a stand-alone work. But it provides a synaesthetic entrance to room 33.

This work depicts the feeling of my study experience in London, where the unreadable words were nothing more than symbols and signs to me. And each letter of the alphabet made a connection with the Western films, music and pop culture I had seen in China. They becoming visual decorations that adorned shop fronts and streets, so much so that I thought the feeling of being in London was an illusion created by the words. What are words to me? To what extent are our lives held hostage to the illusion created by words? In this work such an illusion floats over a partial image of my memory of the West Lake, where unknown fragments of written strokes fill the paper house and they form a short poem. But the black insulation tape in the upper left corner suggests that this is just a painting.

The paper house 
Oil paint on canvas


King size
Oil on canvas, Soft fillings

This assemblage painting is a continuation of my previous work. I continue to explore the painting as an object, and the part of the work that is zoomed in as an independent painting. I have extracted the fragments of words from the previous work. Giving it a human-like appearance. I thought that this structure could be any part of any language. But at the same time giving it a plastic, smooth texture. The brushwork is also more relaxed than in the previous work. At the top of its head is a shaped frame that I made from leftover frame and filled with pieces of old clothing.

King size
Oil on canvas, Soft fillings
Spiral Gallery

Oil on paper

Exile 2
Oil and acrylic on canvas

This is a new attempt to break up the composition of a single subject in the picture. It continues my previous unit's approach of painting the texture of the paper on the canvas to provide multiple layers to the image. The three people and the background are painted in different ways to provide a different dimensional visual effect. But overall, this is a more graphic attempt.

The homeless intimacy
Oil and spray on canvas

This work has been a turning point in my recent work. My friend Dan and I want to live together. The painting was created in the context of the whole house-hunting state of mind. But this state of mind can refer to any relationship. The hair curls have no particular meaning. I am simply making a combination. The little bit of dusk in the background hints at the time, even the place. The incomplete faces leave more possibilities for the whole story. The images do not point directly to the narrative. The painting is like a poem; it is incomplete, but can serve as an evocation of something not in front of it. In addition to this, I have used better linen and paint for this piece. I also used smaller brushes for multiple strokes and I enjoyed watching the pigments embed themselves in the pores of the canvas. The fact that I washed the canvas in advance led to unexpected folds on the canvas at a later stage, which I kept. They triggered an association with the texture of skin.


The homeless intimacy (details)
Oil and spray on canvas

The homeless face
Oil on canvas

Coin operated machine
Oil on canvas

You earn it
Oil on canvas

Oil and acrylic on canvas, magnets

It is called Babel due to its allusion to the Tower of Babel, which is an origin myth that explains why everybody speaks a different language. In Hebrew, the word means confused. The yoga massage rollers I use in my life are combined with the keyboard. In between installation and architecture, a white concrete monstrosity is created that is semantically unclear. Against a low-resolution false background, it stands out. A swarm of ants approaches and a mask worn by one of them tries to enter the frame. A dimension of me in the sky tears an opening, and behind this world, there is another dimension

The tiny ant lady
Oil on canvas

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