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My recent work uses a wide variety of materials to delve into the narrative behind the manufactured objects and to visualize the rebellion against the way how everyday objects are perceived by people.  Through my paintings, I serve as a translator between the daily object and the viewer. In my interpretation, I attempt to convey a sense of instability that the events behind everyday objects can occur at any time.


By observing things using multiple senses, joining elements that do not appear to belong together and separating elements that are conventionally regarded as belonging together. I exaggerate the feeling of defamiliarization and uncanny in our daily life. 

Practising during the year has drawn me towards the idea of creating a room in a public space, which is abstract, fluid, and intimate.  As a mediator in my work, the shared experience of people is explored through the changing arrangement of space. By experimenting with various materials, altering compositions of images, and combining canvas with objects, I continue to emphasize the physicality and subjectivity of painting. In addition, I see my multi-media work as a complex (Ghost in the Shell) that is separate from each other and functions as a whole. With my perception of painting as a dynamic, organic object with the agency, I tend to enhance visual playfulness by constantly changing the viewers' viewpoint in my future work.

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